PRODUCT OVERVIEWJH Series Operation Manual 2712/05LCD control (hourmeter, coolant temperature, display brightness, oilpressure, battery voltage)Figure 1ScrollPush and hold(display will blink whenready)Scroll100, 80, 60, 40, 20, 0(value will be set after3 seconds)Return to hourmeterEnglishMetricEnglishMetric043718-00E00Press the power switch.$IWHUVHFRQGVWKH/&'VKRZVWKHhourmeter.You can switch (scroll) between displays by pressingthe buttons on the bottom.Ɣ6ZLWFKLQJVFUHHQVE\SUHVVLQJWKHULJKWEXWWRQ 3UHVVLQJWKHOHIWEXWWRQVZLWFKHVWKHVFUHHQVLQWKHRSSRVLWHGLUHFWLRQPressing the right button again shows the/&'EULJKWQHVVVHWWLQJVTo set the brightness of the backlight:Next, press the right button to show thepressure display.6HOHFWEHWZHHQ0HWULFXQLWV %$5 DQGImperial units (PSI) at the "System Unitsscreen" on the next page.Press again to show the battery voltage.Pressing the button once more returns thedisplay to the initial hourmeter.1RWH&RQWLQXRXVO\SUHVVLQJPHDQVKROGLQJWKHbutton for approx. 2 seconds.Press the left button continuously andWKHGLJLWVRIWKH/&'VWDUWIODVKLQJIn this condition, press the right buttonto decrease the brightness and the leftbutton to increase the brightness.(The brightness changes in 6 steps of 20 %.)To set the desired brightness, do nottouch the buttons for 3 seconds.Pressing the right button on the bottom ofWKH/&'VKRZVWKHWHPSHUDWXUHGLVSOD\6HOHFWEHWZHHQ0HWULFXQLWV & DQGImperial units (°F) at the "System Unitsscreen" on the next page.1 2 3(QJLQHKRXU !PLQ-1&RRODQWWHPSHUDWXUH%DFNOLJKWLQJ%ULJKWQHVV2LOSUHVVXUH%DWWHU\YROWDJH123