91. Remove the discharge chute.2. Remove the right hand belt shield.3. Remove the deck belt from the right spindleassembly sheave.4. Remove this sheave but keep the ¼” squarekey and the two washers at hand for reinstal-lation.5. Install the Stepped Sheave and spacer/keyretainer included in the kit using the originalkey and washers but substituting the original7/16” HCS with the longer version provided.An application of anti-seize is recommended.6. Reinstall the deck belt.7. The 5/8” hole toward the rear of the ¼” thickdischarge chute mounting bar at the right endof the deck may be distorted from forming orloaded with paint. Drill out or fill this hole untilit will accept a 5/8” bolt or piece of bar stock.Keep the fit close.8. If any weld beads or the edge of the deck topproject past the right end surface of the deck,these must be ground back to allow the fanassembly to fit up flush to the end of the deck.9. Remove the 3/8” fastener, nut, and clamp fromthe inside front corner of the fan assembly.10. Remove the sheave floor to expose the fanassembly belt sheave from below.11. Loosen the nut retaining the belt guide/retainer,install the belt from the Drive Kit, retighten thenut, verify the belt clears the guide, andreinstall the sheave floor.Spindle Drive &Drive Kit AssemblyFor use on mowers equipped with either a42", 48", 52" or 61" deck:ASSEMBLY12. Rest the fan assembly onto the deck end andslide the pilot thru the 5/8” hole previouslymentioned so that fan assembly is supportedby the pilot and the ¼” stop block welded underthe clamp at the front of the fan assembly.Note: It may be necessary to swing theidler pulley away from the assemblymounting face to clear the chute mountingbar and the discharge chute mounting tabon the deck.13. Reinstall the clamp at the front of the assemblyso that the tab at the lower end of the clamppasses thru the rectangular slot at the rightfront corner of the mower deck, but leave thefastener loose to ease belt installation.14. Rotate the belt idler as far forward as possibleand install the belt over the top groove of thenew deck sheave.15. Tighten the clamp fastener.16. Using a scribe or other small sharp object,transfer the mounting hole location at the rearedge of the fan assembly onto the matingvertical surface at the right rear of the mowerdeck and drill thru with a 25/64” drill.17. Install the stops on the deck stop pins locatedat the rear of the deck then install the new beltshield.18. Install the tube support to the main collectionassembly using the 3/8” fastener provided, po-sitioning so that the tube is 2” to 3” away fromthe tire.19. Install the 7” hose to the fan assembly and thecontainer input port using the hose clampsprovided.20. Clamp the tube to the tube support.