Setting Up Your System135Users can also select to clear the user personalized configuration settings. Users can clear theMAC-local CFG file using the following methods: To clear the MAC-local CFG file, reset the IP phone to factory configuration settings byselecting Reset local settings via phone user interface (navigate to Menu->Advanced(default password: admin) ->Reset Config). To clear the MAC-local CFG file, reset the IP phone to factory configuration settings bynavigating to the Upgrade menu via web user interface and clicking Reset local setting.Configurations defined never be saved to the -local.cfg fileMost configurations made by users via phone user interface and web user interface can besaved to the -local.cfg file, but some static settings will never be saved to the-local.cfg file. For more information, refer to Appendix F: Static Settings on page 1018.You need to reset the phone configurations not saved in the -local.cfg file separately.For more information, refer to Resetting Issues on page 978.By default, the MAC-local.cfg file will be stored on the IP phone. The IP phone can be configuredto upload this file to the provisioning server each time the file updates. For more information,refer to the parameter “static.auto_provision.custom.sync” described in the sectionConfiguration Parameters on page 154.Custom CFG FileYou can create some new CFG files (e.g., sip.cfg, account.cfg) containing any combination ofconfiguration parameters. This especially useful when you want to apply a set of features orsettings to a group of phones using the boot file.For more information on how to create a new CFG file, refer toYealink_SIP-T2_Series_T19(P)E2_T4_Series_T5_Series_W5_Series_CP860_IP_Phones_Auto_Provisioning_Guide_V81.Resource FilesWhen configuring some particular features, you may need to upload resource files to IP phones.Resource files are optional, but if the particular feature is being employed, these files arerequired.If the resource file is to be used for all IP phones of the same model, the access URL of resourcefile is best specified in the common CFG file. However, if you want to specify the desired phoneto use the resource file, the access URL of resource file should be specified in the MAC-OrientedCFG file. During provisioning, the IP phones will request the resource files in addition to theconfiguration files. For more information on the access URL of resource file, refer to thecorresponding section in this guide.The followings show examples of resource files: Language packs Ring tones