Administrator’s Guide for SIP-T2 Series/T19(P) E2/T4 Series/T5 Series/CP860 IP Phones342Local DirectoryIP phones maintain a local directory. The local directory can store up to 1000 contacts and 48groups (47 groups for CP860 IP phones). When adding a contact to the local directory, inaddition to name and phone numbers, you can also specify the account, ring tone and group forthe contact. Contacts and groups can be added either one by one or in batch using a localcontact file. Yealink IP phones support both *.xml and *.csv format contact files, but only support*.xml format download for local contact file.Contacts can be configured to have a backup on the provisioning server or a specific server. Thecontact file format is *.xml.Customizing a Local Contact FileYou can add contacts one by one on the IP phone directly. You can also add multiple contacts ata time and/or share contacts between IP phones using the local contact template file. Aftersetup, place the template file to the provisioning server and specify the access URL of thetemplate file in the configuration files. The existing local contacts on the IP phones will beoverridden by the downloaded local contacts.You can ask the distributor or Yealink FAE for local contact template. You can also obtain thelocal contact template online: For moreinformation on obtaining the local contact file, refer to Obtaining Boot Files/ConfigurationFiles/Resource Files on page 137.The following table lists meaning of each variable in the local contact template file:Element Values Descriptionroot_group no Group list’s root no Group’s root element.display_name All ContactsBlacklistAn element of group.Group name.ringFormat of the value:System ring tone:AutoSilent.wavSplash.wavRingN.wav (integer N ranges from 1 to 8)Custom ring tone:Name.wavAn element of group.Group ring tone.root_contact no Contact list’s root no Contact’s root element.display_name String An element of contact.Contact name.