Administrator’s Guide for SIP-T2_Series_T4_Series IP Phones258Parameter Permitted Values DefaultWhen X=14, the default value is 2 (Forward).Web User Interface:DSSKey->Line Key/ Programable Key->TypePhone User Interface:Menu->Features->DSS Keys->Line Key X->TypeTo configure a recall key via web user interface:1. Click on DSSKey->Line Key (or Programable Key).2. In the desired DSS key field, select ReCall from the pull-down list of Type.3. (Optional.) Enter the string that will appear on the LCD screen in the Label field.4. Click Confirm to accept the change.To configure a recall key via phone user interface:1. Press Menu->Features->DSS Keys.2. Select the desired DSS key.3. Press or , or the Switch soft key to select Key Event from the Type field.4. Press or , or the Switch soft key to select ReCall from the Key Type field.5. (Optional.) Enter the string that will appear on the LCD screen in the Label field.6. Press the Save soft key to accept the change.Call park allows users to park a call on a special extension and then retrieve it on anyother phone in the system. Users can park calls on the extension, known as call parkorbit, by pressing a call park key. The current call is placed on hold and can beretrieved on another IP phone. This feature depends on support from a SIP server.ProcedureCall park key can be configured using the configuration files or locally.Configuration File .cfg Assign a call park key.