Administrator’s Guide for SIP-T2_Series_T4_Series IP Phones28- Set only one variable per line.- Put the variable and value on the same line, and do not break the line.- Comment the variable on a separated line. Use the pound (#) delimiter todistinguish the comments.IP phones perform the auto provisioning function of downloading configuration files,downloading resource files and upgrading firmware. The transfer protocol is used todownload files from the provisioning server. IP phones support several transportprotocols for provisioning, including FTP, TFTP, HTTP, and HTTPS protocols. And you canspecify the transport protocol in the provisioning server address, for example,http://xxxxxxx. If not specified, the TFTP protocol is used. The provisioning serveraddress can be IP address, domain name or URL. If a user name and password arespecified as part of the provisioning server address, for example,http://user:pwd@/server/dir, they will be used only if the server supports them.NoteThe provisioning server can be on the local LAN or anywhere on the Internet. Use thefollowing procedure as a recommendation if this is your first provisioning server setup.For more information on how to set up a provisioning server, refer to Yealink IP PhonesAuto Provisioning Guide.To set up the provisioning server:1. Install a provisioning server application or locate a suitable existing server.2. Create an account and home directory.3. Set security permissions for the account.4. Create configuration files and edit them as desired.5. Copy the configuration files and resource files to the provisioning server.A URL should contain forward slashes instead of back slashes and should not containspaces. Escape characters are not supported.If a user name and password are not specified as part of the provisioning serveraddress, the User Name and Password of the provisioning server configured on thephone will be used.There are two types of FTP methods—active and passive. IP phones are not compatiblewith active FTP.