036-21121-002 Rev. B (0103)Unitary Products Group 9ACCESSORIES*Refer to Price Manual for specific model numbers.Hard Start Kit - Provides increased starting torque for areaswith low voltage.Compressor Blanket - Designed to further reduce the nor-mal compressor operating sound. Refer to price pages forspecific match-ups.Off Cycle Timer Delay - Provides a 5-minute off cycle to pre-vent rapid recycling of the compressor.Room Thermostats - A wide selection of compatible thermo-sets are available to provide optimum performance and fea-tures for any installation.1 Heat Stage only, manual, mechanical thermostat. Add sub-base for 1H/1C.1H/1C, manual change-over electronic non-programmablethermostat.1H/1C, auto/manual changeover, electronic programmable,deluxe 7-day, thermostat.1H/1C, auto/manual changeover, electronic programmable.* For the most current accessory information, refer to theprice book or consult factory.SOUND RATINGS**Rated in accordance with ARI Standard 270.TYPICAL INSTALLATIONUNIT MODELSOUNDRATINGSDECIBELS018 7.6024 7.8030 8.2036 8.2042 8.2048 8.2060 8.0076 --090 9.0MINIMUM 18” SERVICE ACCESSCLEARANCE ON ONE SIDE60” OVERHEADCLEARANCE10” CLEARANCECOIL AREAWEATHERPROOFDISCONNECTSWITCHTHERMOSTAT TO FURNACE ORAIR HANDLERTERMINAL BLOCKNEC CLASS 1 WIRINGNEC CLASS 2 WIRINGTO INDOOR COILSEAL OPENING(S) WITHPERMAGUM OR EQUIVALENTCONTROL ACCESS PANELNOTE: ALL OUTDOOR WIRING MUSTBE WEATHERPROOF.