035-17311-002-A-080324 Unitary Products GroupPHASINGPredator® units are properly phased at the factory. Check forproper compressor rotation. If the blower or compressorsrotate in the wrong direction at start-up, the electrical connec-tion to the unit is misphased. Change the phasing of the FieldLine Connection at the factory or field supplied discon-nect to obtain proper rotation. (Scroll compressors operate inonly one direction. If the scroll is drawing low amperage, hassimilar suction and discharge pressures, or producing a highnoise level, the scroll is misphased.)BLOWER ROTATIONCheck for proper supply air blower rotation. If the blower isrotating backwards, the line voltage at the unit point of powerconnection is misphased (See ‘PHASING’).BELT TENSIONThe tension on the belt should be adjusted as shown inFigure 22.Scroll compressors require proper rotation to oper-ate correctly. Units are properly phased at the fac-tory. Do not change the internal wiring to make theblower condenser fans, or compressor rotate cor-rectly.TABLE 16: SUPPLY AIR LIMITATIONSUnit Size Minimum Maximum090 2250 3750120 3000 5000150 3750 6250FIGURE 22 - BELT ADJUSTMENTProcedure for adjusting belt tension:1. Loosen six nuts (top and bottom) A.2. Adjust by turning (B).3. Never loosen nuts (C).4. Use belt tension checker to apply a perpendicularforce to one belt at the midpoint of the span asshown. Deflection distance of 4mm (5/32”) isobtained.To determine the deflection distance from normalposition, use a straight edge from sheave to sheaveas reference line. The recommended deflectionforce is as follows:Tension new belts at the max. deflection force rec-ommended for the belt section. Check the belt ten-sion at least two times during the first 24 hours ofoperation. Any retensioning should fall between themin. and max. deflection force values.5. After adjusting retighten nuts (A).AAABSPAN LENGTHDEFL. FORCEC* * NEVER LOOSEN