1083292-UIM-A-011438 Johnson Controls Unitary ProductsADJUSTMENT OF FAN CONTROL SETTINGSCooling - The airflow delivered by the furnace during cooling operationcan be adjusted to match the cooling capacity of the A/C condensingunit. This is done by moving the COOL and ADJ jumper on the controlboard to give the desired airflow.The COOL jumper has four positions, which will deliver the airflow incooling mode shown in Table 17.The ADJ jumper has three positions which can be used to make furtheradjustments to the cooling blower airflow.Continuous Fan Operation - The airflow delivered by the furnace dur-ing continuous fan operation can be adjusted as desired. This is donemy moving the control fan jumper on the control board to give thedesired airflow.The jumper has three positions. The “H” position delivers maximum air-flow, 100% of the blower capacity. Position “M” delivers approximately70% of the blower capacity. And Position “L” delivers minimum airflow,approximately 40% of the blower capacity.Delay Taps SelectionThe set of jumper pins on the control board labeled “DELAY” are usedto set the delay profiles for the furnace. These can be chosen so as tomaximize the comfort and sound levels for various regions of the coun-try.Tap A is the default profile. It provides a 30-second ramp-up from zeroairflow to full capacity and a 30-second ramp-down from full capacityback to zero airflow. Whenever there is a change in airflow mode, suchas from low heat to high heat, the motor will take 30 seconds to rampfrom one speed to the other.Tap B is the humid profile. This profile is best-suited for installationswhere the humidity is frequently very high during cooling season, suchas in the southern part of the country. On a call for cooling, the blowerwill ramp up to 50% of full capacity and will stay there for two minutes,then will ramp up to 82% of full capacity and will stay there for five min-utes, and then will ramp up to full capacity, where it will stay until thewall thermostat is satisfied. In every case, it will take the motor 30 sec-onds to ramp from one speed to another.Tap C is the dry profile. This profile is best suited to parts of the countrywhere excessive humidity is not generally a problem, where the sum-mer months are usually dry. On a call for cooling the motor will ramp upto full capacity and will stay there until the thermostat is satisfied. At theend of the cooling cycle, the blower will ramp down to 50% of full capac-ity where it will stay for 60 seconds. Then it will ramp down to zero. Inevery case, it will take the motor 30 seconds to ramp from one speed toanother.Tap D is the normal profile, best suited for most of the country, whereneither excessive humidity nor extremely dry conditions are the norm.On a call for cooling, the motor will ramp up to 63% of full capacity andwill stay there for 90 seconds, then will ramp up to full capacity. At theend of the cooling cycle, the motor will ramp down to 63% of full capac-ity and will stay there for 30 seconds, then will ramp down to zero. Inevery case, it will take the motor 30 seconds to ramp from one speed toanother.HumidistatWhen a humidistat is installed in the system, the “Humidistat con-nected?” jumper on the control board should be moved to the “YES”position. The cooling airflow will then be reduced by 15% whenever thehumidistat indicates high humidity.FIGURE 46: Furnace Control BoardLowVoltageTerminalsHumidistatJumperLastError ButtonTestButtonContinuousFan SpeedJumperCooling SpeedJumperHeat PumpJumperZoningJumperEACTerminalsHumidifierTerminalsDiagnosticLight