Shielded wire must be used for sensorwiring and the shield should be termi-nated on one end only to the unit ground-ing block.COMMUNICATED SUPPLY AIRTEMPERATURE RESET - COOLINGField WiringFor Unoccupied cooling operation connect zone sen-sor wiring to CTB1 terminals 13 and 14 located insidethe control panel (see Appendix 1).Miscellaneous ConnectionsAll units provided with a VFD include a factory mount-ed static pressure sensor (SPS1). The unit can alsohave an optional second static pressure sensor, (SPS2).The second static pressure transducer would be usedif the main supply duct split into two main branches.The control can be programmed to maintain the low-est input, highest input or the average of the two. Thesensor is factory wired and requires field installationof 1/4” ID sensor tubing to the selected duct location.A field supplied static pressure probe and tubing mustbe installed in the field prior to unit start-up.Refer to the unit IOM Form 145.05-NOM3 for detailson how to install the static pressure probe and tubing.ProgrammingOptions Key -Unit Data Subsection• UNIT TYPE = VARIABLE AIR VOLUM.• UNIT SIZE = Select Unit Size in tons from thelisted choices.• REFRIGERANT TYPE = Select R22, 407C, orR410A.• COMP STAGING SEQ = For units with fourstages of cooling select SIMPLE, for units withsix stages of cooling select MIXED (on four com-pressor units only).Options Key - Supply System Subsection• HIGH DUCT STATIC SW = Should be set toINSTALLED if the optional High Duct StaticSwitch is installed.• SF VFD BYPASS = Should be set to INSTALLEDif the optional SF VFD Bypass is installed.• DUCT PRESS SENSOR 2 = Should be set to IN-STALLED if an optional 2nd duct static transduceris installed.Setpoints Key - Cooling Subsection• SAT LOW SETPOINT = 50.0 °F - 60.0 °F.• SAT HIGH SETPOINT = 55.0 °F - 70.0 °F.• UNOCC ZONE COOLING SETPOINT = 60.0°F - 95.0 °F.• RAT COOLING SETPOINT = RAT HEATINGSETPOINT + 2 °F TO RAT SETPOINT FORHIGH SAT.Setpoints Key - Supply System Subsection• DUCT STATIC RESET LOW SETP = 0 INWG- Span.• DUCT STATIC RESET HIGH SETP = 0 INWG- Span.• DUCT STATIC OVER PRESSURE = 0 INWG- Span.• DUCT STATIC TRANSDUCER SPAN = 1.25,2.5, 5.0 INWG.Program Key - Cooling Subsection• SAT RESET METHOD = NONE.Program Key - Supply System Subsection• SF VFD BYPASS MODE = Place in VFD BY-PASSED ENABLED to place the unit in SF VFDBypass Mode.• DUCT PRESS CNTRL = HIGH, LOW, AVER-AGE, DUCT PRESSURE 1 ONLY.Date / Time KeyEnter Correct Date and Time.SECTION 4 - VAV UNITSFORM 145.05-SU3 (611)ISSUE DATE 6/01/2011JOHNSON CONTROLS11SECTION 4 - VAV UNITS