JOHNSON CONTROLS4FORM 145.05-SU3 (611)ISSUE DATE 6/01/2011CHANGEABILITY OF THIS DOCUMENTIn complying with Johnson Controls policy for contin-uous product improvement, the information containedin this document is subject to change without notice.While Johnson Controls makes no commitment to up-date or provide current information automatically tothe manual owner, that information, if applicable, canbe obtained by contacting the nearest Johnson Con-trols Service office.NOMENCLATUREBASE MODEL NUMBER1 2 3 4U - UpflowW - Water CooledS - Self ContainedY - YORKD - Downflow for FlexSys506379Base Product Type Nominal TonnageIt is the responsibility of operating/service personnelto verify the applicability of these documents to theequipment in question. If there is any question in themind of operating/service personnel as to the applica-bility of these documents, then prior to working on theequipment, they should verify with the owner whetherthe equipment has been modified and if current litera-ture is available.