Base setupBase setupE2 Analog InE2 Analog InAs long as no allocation has been carried out display: | - - - - -|Selection: 0 - 20 mA, 4 - 20 mA, Bus (Inverting IO Setup)Factory setting: 0 - 10 V9.1.2 Setting for operation modes 1.10 ... 1.11Attention!To ensure that the compressor also has adequate lubrication, it is essential to note theminimum speed defined by the manufacturer.SettingSettingSet Intern1Set Intern1Setting range manual speed setting: 0...setting “Max. Frequency” ( Motor Setup)Factory setting:Mode 1.10 = 50.0 HzMode 1.11 = 50.0 HzFor FKDM22 and FKDM50 up to 400 V line voltage max. 75 Hz, up to 480 V linevoltage max. 60 Hz permissible. I.e. limitation of “Max. Frequency” in “Motor Setup”necessary!Set Intern2Set Intern2Setting “Set Intern2” e.g. reduced value for night operation.Switch over intern 1/2 by external contact (as long as no allocation is carried out:Display: | - - - - -| IO Setup).Min. SpeedMinimal SpeedSetting range: |OFF| → “Shutdown Freq.” ( Motor Setup) - “Max. Speed”.Factory setting:Mode 1.10 = 25.0 HzMode 1.11 = 30.0 HzFor FKDM22 and FKDM50 up to 400 V line voltage max. 75 Hz, up to 480 V linevoltage max. 60 Hz permissible. I.e. limitation of “Max. Frequency” in “Motor Setup”necessary!Max. SpeedMaximal SpeedSetting range: “Max. Frequency” ( Motor Setup) - “Min. Speed”Factory setting:Mode 1.10 = 50.0 HzMode 1.11 = 87.0 HzFor FKDM22 and FKDM50 up to 400 V line voltage max. 75 Hz, up to 480 V linevoltage max. 60 Hz permissible. I.e. limitation of “Max. Frequency” in “Motor Setup”necessary!Set external1Set external1“ON” (factory setting) = speed setting by external Signal“OFF” = Setting “Set Intern1”Operating Instructions Fcontrol – model series FKDM..-C ProgrammingL-BAL-E057-GB 1304 Index 009 Part.-No. 00163327-GB23/74