Ice-cube ProductionThis freezer is equipped with trays for theproduction of ice-cubes which will give com¬plete satisfaction for all domestic needs.Fill these trays with water to 3/4 of theirheight, then put them in the Quick-freezingcompartment in the upper part of the freez¬er.If the water in your area is rich in mineralsalts (limestone in particular), we advisethe use of non-carbonated mineral waterwith low mineral content for the productionof your ice-cubes.The ice-cubes may be shaken out from thetrays by simply twisting; do not use metallicinstruments to remove the trays from thefreezer.DefrostingScrape away the layer of frost with the plas¬tic scraper provided with the freezer whenthis layer arrives to approximately 4 mm inheight. For this operation you do not needto unplug the freezer or take out all frozenfoods.Whenever the layer of frost exceeds 4 mmin thickness, you must proceed to a com¬plete defrosting. Take advantage of the peri¬ods when you do not have too much food instorage to do this.Proceed as follows:Empty the containers and temporarily storethe frozen food removed in a cool place,wrapped in several sheets of news-paper oreven better, in thermally insulated contain¬ers.ImportantA temperature rise of the frozen foodpacks during defrosting may shorten theirstorage life.Set the thermostat to the «#» position orunplug the freezer from the wall socket.Keep the freezer door open.Dry the freeze surfaces with care.Reset the thermostat to the desired positionor re-connect the plug. Then set the freezerto Quick-freezing status.After two hours you may replace the frozenfood removed previously.Important:Never use knives or metal objects to scrapeaway accumulated frost.10