11PEACE OF MIND FOR 24 MONTHSZanussi Standard Guarantee ConditionsThis guarantee is in addition to your statutory and otherlegal rights which will not be excluded or in any waydiminished by the return of this guarantee card.We, Zanussi Ltd., undertake, that if, within the 24months of the date of the purchase, this ZANUSSIappliance or any part thereof is proved to be of faultyworkmanship or materials, we will, at our option, repairthe same FREE OF ANY CHARGE for labour, materialsor carriage on condition that:ï The appliance has been correctly installed and usedonly on the electricity supply stated on the rating plate.ï The appliance has been used for normal domesticpurposes only, and in accordance with the manufac-turer's operating and maintenance instructions.ï The appliance has not been serviced, maintained,repaired, taken apart or tampered with by any personnot authorised by us.All service work under this guarantee must be under-taken by a Zanussi Service Force Centre.Home visits are made between 8.30 a.m. and 5.30p.m. Monday to Friday. Visits may be available outsidethese hours in which case a premium will be charged.Any appliance or defective part replaced shall becomeour property.ExclusionsThis guarantee does not cover:ï Damage or calls resulting from transportation, impro-per use or neglect, the replacement of any light bulbs orremovable parts of glass or plastic.ï Costs incurred for calls to put up right machinesimproperly istalled or calls to machines outside theUnited Kingdom.ï Appliances found to be in use within a commercialenvironment, plus those which are subject of rentalagreements.ï Products of ZANUSSI manufacture which are NOTmarketed by Zanussi Ltd.ï EEC Countries - the standard guarantee is appli-cable but is subject to the owner's responsibility andcost to ensure the appliance meets the standards setby the country to which the product is taken. TheZanussi Company in the country concerned will bepleased to advise further. Sight of your purchase receiptwill be required by them.