Daily cleaning• Use a hob-cleaning product specifically de-signed for ceramic hobs daily. If foodstuff isnot allowed to burn on it will be much easierto clean off.• Apply a small amount of hob cleaner in thecentre of each area to be cleaned.• Dampen a clean paper towel or a plastic paddesigned for non-stick saucepans and rubvigorously until all marks are removed. Thismay take a few minutes.• Wipe off residues of cleaner with anotherdamp paper towel and polish dry with a softcloth.• If hob cleaner is unavailable, one or more ofthe cleaning agents below may be usedtemporarily:– Cream Cleaner– Baking SodaTo remove more stubborn marks• Cream cleaner may be used to clean offmore stubborn stains or to remove discolou-ration.• It may be necessary to rub the marks hardfor several minutes.• Use a plastic pad designed for non-sticksaucepans with cream cleaner for removalof more stubborn stains.To remove burnt on foodstuff• We strongly recommend the use of aCeramic Hob Scraper (incorporating a singleedge razor blade) to remove spillage on thehob, in particular sugar solutions, which if notremoved can cause permanent damage.• Make sure the ceramic glass is cool.• Use a ceramic hob scraper with care at anangle of 30° to remove as much foodstuff aspossible.• Use hob cleaner or cream cleaner to finishoff as directed above.To remove discolourations or whiteand silver marks• These marks sometimes give the impres-sion of being in or underneath the hob glass.They can almost always be removed provi-ded they have not become excessively burnton. Follow the instructions above under ‘Toremove more stubborn marks’.• If this is unsuccessful, make up a paste ofone part water to three parts Cream of Tarterand leave on the discoloured areas over-night. The marks should be easily removablethe next day provided they have not beenexcessively burnt on. The paste should bethoroughly washed off afterwards.To reduce marking of the hob• Make sure the bottom of the saucepan andthe cooking area is clean and dry beforecooking begins.• Ensure saucepans are large enough to ac-commodate food to avoid boil-over.• If possible, wipe up spills and splatters asthey occur, but take care to avoid steamburns.• Avoid using a dishcloth or sponge to cleanthe hob. These may leave a layer of soileddetergent on the hob surface, which will burnand discolour the next time the hob is used.Avoid the use of:• Household detergents and bleaches.23