mä~ëã~=`äÉ~åÉê=^ÇÇ=çå=Ñçê=jìäíápbj =NR=çÑ=OORK=léÉê~íáçå5. OperationIMPORTANTFor detailed information about the Plasma Cleaner, refer to the XEI Manual.Procedure1 If there are several plasma cleanersattached to the MultiSEM (object chamberand/or load lock), the plasma cleaner for thedesired cleaning process can be chosen inthe first line of the ZEN menu PlasmaCleaner Control.NoteIt is only possible to run one plasma cleanerat a time.Before starting the plasma cleaning processchoose Ignition pressure, Plasma pres-sure, Plasma time and Plasma poweraccording to your desired cleaning process(see table on page 9).ImportantDepending on the specimen material, it ispossible that the Plasma Cleaner Add Onmightdamage the specimen.It is recommended to test this before clean-ing important specimens.2 To start the plasma cleaning process pressStart cleaning.By starting the cleaning process the PlasmaCleaner Control is enabled, the correspond-ing chamber is vented and pumped downagain.When reaching the selected Ignition pres-sure, the pressure is stabilized by theplasma cleaner, the radio frequency (RF) isswitched on automatically and, after someseconds normally, the plasma ignites.When reaching the selected Plasma timethe plasma switches off and pump down forthe corresponding chamber is continued.4 With Stop cleaning the cleaning processcan be stopped in advance.