Operation S100 / OPMI picoVersion 9.0Page 138 G-30-1781-enUser submenuThe "USER SELECTION" submenu enables you to choose between fourdifferent user profiles: USER1, USER2, USER3, USER4The user names and their configuration depend on the selected application.The latter can be selected as required when switching on the device for thefirst time and can be subsequently changed at any time.– The "OPHTHALMOLOGY" application has the "POSTERIOR" user insteadof USER 1 and the "ANTERIOR" user instead of USER 2.– The "DENTISTRY" application features the "ENDODONTY" user instead ofUSER 1 and the "TREATMENT" user instead of USER 2.– The Anterior, Posterior, Endodonty and Treatment users have optimizedsettings.– The video image is displayed in its unaltered condition (standard) for theAnterior user.– The video image is rotated 180°(ROTATE) for the Posterior user.– The video image is displayed in its unaltered condition (standard) for theEndodonty user.– The video image is displayed in its unaltered condition (standard) for theTreatment user.The white balance is user-specific. Thus it is possible for different whitebalance values to be saved e.g. for User 1 and User 2. After a change of user,the white balance values for the new user are loaded. This requires that thelight source is also changed because otherwise, the colors would be distorted.Therefore, white balancing should always be carried out with the light sourceto be used for the particular user.CAUTION Not for ophthalmic examinations!• The S100 / OPMI pico must not be used for ophthalmological procedures!