2 User Interface ZEISS2 User Interface123 4Fig. 1: Smartzoom Referencing Application User interface1 Status / Progress AreaShows information on the system status, e.g. Software version or status of referencing.2 Referencing Tasks AreaHere you can activate/deactivate the referencing tasks which should be performed. Byclicking on the Start referencing button all activated referencing tasks will be per-formed one after another.3 Preview AreaShows the live image from the microscope camera. You will see the referencing proce-dure of each step in here. Additionally, after starting a referencing task, you will see theReferencing Wizard in a small dialog window in the upper right corner.4 Referencing WizardWith the help of this wizard, you are able to control the referencing procedure of eachreferencing step, e.g. Start/ Stop/ Continue buttons for controlling the referencing task.The wizard contains instructions which will guide you through each step during a refer-encing task. The instructions are shown in the blue box in the middle of the wizard win-dow.Quick Guide ZEISS Smartzoom 5 | en-US | Rev.1 5