P A G E 2 4206-3371-AO P E R AT I O N M E N U SUse theremotecontrol tosearch allpossiblecodes. PRG POWERCABLE VCR AUX TVAENTERFLASHBK MUTECHANNELCHANNELVOLUME VOLUME1 2 34 5 6708 9MENUREWINDRECORDQUITBCDEPAUSE TIMERPLAYSTOPFFWDTV/VCRSOURCE5/73624Indicator LightRemote Control Auto-FindTurn on the device you’reprogramming for theremote control.Press and hold the PRG key untilthe indicator light turns on.Press the key for the device you’retrying to program (CABLE, VCR,AUX, TV).Enter the code 0-0-0 (zero-zero-zero), then press the ENTER keyright away.Aim the remote at the correctdevice and press the POWERbutton. Allow a second to pass,then push the POWER buttonagain. Repeat until the deviceturns off. (This is a trial and errorprocess, so it may be necessary torepeat these steps until theremote finds your code.)Push ENTER to save the code.Press POWER to turn the deviceback on.1234567You can quickly get out of AutoFind by pressing the Quit button.If the indicator light stays onwhile you push Power, insteadof turning off, all the codes havebeen tried and your device can’tbe programmed.If Programming the Remote did not find yourcode, try this procedure to automatically findthe code for your device. If your remotebecomes inoperable, go back to “Programmingyour Remote” and enter the Zenith TV code forstep five.