Locate the Antenna/Cable jack onthe back of your EntertainmentMachine.Connect the cable that runs fromthe wall directly to this jack,according to the diagram to theright.Remove the back of the remoteand put in two AAA batteries.Plug in your TV. Do not plug itinto a switched outlet. YourEntertainment Machine isdesigned to operate on householdcurrent, 120-volt 60 Hertz AC. Donot attempt to operate it on DCCurrent.Go to page 8 to Auto Programyour Entertainment Machine.206-3371-AI N S TA L L AT I O N S TA N DA R D P A G E 7Connect yourVCR andCable to yourEntertainmentMachine.Hook Up Your Cable (CATV) and VCRLeave your VCR and your televisiontuned to channel three and usethe cable box to change channels.Remember, when screwing in RFcables onto jacks, clockwise tight-ens, and counterclockwise loosens.No A/V cables are includedwith your Entertainment Machine.Without A/V cables, most VCRswill not play videocassettes instereo sound.Cable TVwall jackRF coaxial cable (75ohm)TV back panel(expanded view)AntennaCableTV backInOut AudioVideo3 4VCR backVCR back AV panelRF coaxial wire(75ohm)not includedwith TVA/V cablesnot includedwith TVoutputswitchAudio In Videoback ofremote1234Cable TVwall jackRF coaxial cable (75ohm)Cable boxInOutInOut AudioVideo3 4VCR backVCR back AV paneloutputswitch3 4outputswitchTV back panel(expanded view)AntennaCableTV back RF coaxial wire(75ohm)not includedwith TVAudio In VideoA/V cablesnot includedwith TV5Cable with CableBox to TV withVCRCable to TV with VCR