Mini glossaryMENU On-screen displays you use to program the TV features.UP/DOWN Use the Menu UP or DOWN directional arrow to “select” or highlight and choose menu options.LEFT/RIGHT Use the Menu LEFT or RIGHT directional arrow to move to or return from the menu options listings.QUIT Exits menus and removes on-screen displays.ENTER Returns to the previously selected menu option on some menus.PRG POWERCABLE VCR AUX TVSURFENTERFLASHBK MUTECHANNELCHANNELVOLUME VOLUME1 2 34 5 6708 9MENUREWIND FFWDRECORDQUITPIPSWAPFREEZCCTV/VCRSOURCEPAUSE TIMERPLAYSTOP206-3590 P A G E 1 5On-Screen Menu Operation12345Use either the remote or the TV front controls to access the on-screen menusUNBLOCKEDBLOCKEDNEXTNEXT MENUAUX. BLOCKMPAAAGE BLOCKCONTENT BLKSET HOURSSET PASSWORDLOCK ON/OFFPARENTAL CTRLMENU MOVEOn-screen menus automatically disappear after about 20 seconds.Remote must be in the TV mode for it to control the TV.Press TV on the remote to select TV mode.Press MENU repeatedly on the remote control, to “select” one ofthe five main menus on your screen like PARENTAL CONTROL.Use the UP/DOWN directional arrow to select an option like AUX.BLOCK. (You can select the other menu options like AGE BLOCKby pressing the UP or DOWN directional arrow repeatedly.)Once the option is selected, in this case AUX BLOCK, press theRIGHT directional arrow to go to the next selection of options.Use the UP or DOWN directional arrow to choose an option, inthis case BLOCKED or UNBLOCKED.When finished, press MENU repeatedly to go back to the mainmenu or press QUIT to remove the menus and submenus from theTV screen.51/52/4 2/32/4