206-3483 P A G E 2 5Setting the Video Menu Options123Customize the picture to your personal viewingpreferencesWith the VIDEO menu on-screen, use the Up/Down arrow toselect an option like EZ Picture, press the Right arrow to go tothe EZ Picture menu selections.Using the Up/Down arrow, select a setting.Your options are:After you have used the Up/Down and Left/Right arrows toselect and adjust the VIDEO menu options to your preference,press QUIT to return to TV viewing.CONTRASTBRIGHTNESSCOLORTINTSHARPNESSCOLOR TEMPEZ PICTUREMoveNext MENUAdjustVIDEOMENUCONTRAST 64%Mini glossaryCustom The settings you have changed to your personal preferences.Preset Select this option to reset the video menu settings to their original levels.PRG POWERCABLE VCR AUX TVSURFENTERFLASHBK MUTECHANNELCHANNELVOLUME VOLUME1 2 34 5 6708 9MENUREWIND FFWDRECORDQUITPIPSWAPFREEZCCTV/VCRSOURCEPAUSE TIMERPLAYSTOP1/331/2/31/2/33Contrast: Changes the amount of difference between black lev-els and white levels in your picture.Brightness: Increases or decreases the amount of white inyour picture.Color: Adjusts levels of all colors.Tint: Adjusts the relative amounts of the colors red and greenin your picture.Sharpness: Raises or lowers the definition of the picture. Thelower the level, the softer the image will appear.Color Temperature: Changes the overall picture appearance.Options are: Warm, Medium, Cool.EZ Picture: Sets your viewing preference based on the viewedimage’s setting.Options are: Custom, Normal, Movie, Digital Pres, VideoGame, Sports, Weak Signal, Night Time.