Room Setups for Home TheaterP A G E 2 0 206-3533-Osub-wooferrightspeakerleftspeakersurroundsoundspeakersurroundsoundspeakerThis is just a general room design.Any number of set-ups are possible,and some changes may be neededto maximize your sound. However, aDolby Digital Receiver is needed for5.1 channel audio.A left and right speaker on eitherside of the set enhances separation.The Entertainment Machine “centermode in,” makes the dialog soundas thought it’s coming directly fromthe Entertainment Machine. The rearsurround sound speakers providethe majority of other sounds, likethose from special effects in movies.Your sub-woofer generates ultra-lowfrequency sound, for rumblinglow-end audio.Sound is affected byspeaker placement, somake sure nothing is infront of the speakers, andthat they are aimed inappropriate directions.You have the option ofturning on or off the internalspeakers.