REMOTE CONTROL MODEL MBR3430TV OPERATIONSThe following functions and operations apply to your ZenithTV. The remote control must be in the TV mode to operateyour TV.MODEUsed to select the TV mode ofoperation.TVLights when TV mode ofoperation is selected.CC (Closed Captions)Used to view closed captionsbroadcast with some televisionprograms.MENU, SELECT and ADJUSTUsed with on-screen menus tosee menu, select an option, andadj ust that option.Numbered ButtonsUsed to select a TV channel.ENTERUsed to view the Channel/TimeDisplay or to remove any on-screen menu or display.LEARNUsed to program remote.PIPUsed to activatePicture-In-Picture inset.SWAPUsed to swap picture in PIP insetwith the main television picture.\Point toward your TV.SELECT QUIT®®®®®®®®®ENTER_o_ TIMER_ / STOP PAUSEREW PLAY F FWD TV/VC/ OFF/ONUsed to turn 'IV ON or OlaF.SOURCEUsed to display the menu of rl'Vsources for some TVs. Press againstep through the sourceselections. On some TVs,'press toselect AUX (Auxiliary) channel.FLASHBK (Flashback)Used to return to the last TVchannel you were watching.CHANNEL Up/DownUsed to sequence throughthe TVchannels.VOLUME Up/DownUsed to adjust the TV's volume.MUTEUsed to turn offsound while thepicture remains. Press again torestore the sound.SPATIAL EQUALIZATION(SEq)Used to select SEQ audio mode onTVs equipped with SEQ feature.FREEZEUsed to freeze the motion of thethe PIP inset.Used to activate the SLEEPTIMER. Press repeatedly to selectdesired turn-off time.2736-0 4 -- 2