PIP OPERATION AND CONNECTIONSTo Select Main Picture Source PIP FUNCTIONSThe source for the main picture can be either ANT/CABLE 1or 2 connections, or any of the VIDEO connections. The fol-lowing example selects ANT/CABLE 1 for normal televisionviewing, which is the most common setup.1. Select TV mode of operation for the remote control.2. Press SOURCE on the remote control repeatedly untilANT/CABLE 1 is selected.[ANT/CABLE 1 }ANT/CABLE 2VIDEO 1VIDEO 2SnURr E S-VIDEO1VIDEO 3S-VIDEO 2To Select PIP SourceThe PIP inset source can be either ANT/CABLE 1 or 2 con-nections, or any of the VIDEO connections. The followingexample selects VIDEO 1 for the PIP source, which is themost common setup.1. Select TV mode of operation for the remote control.2. Press MENU on the remote until the PIP Menu isselected.-%CH2 )12:30 lSEQ |IPIPIvmEo 111Source of mainpictureSource of RP, Use SELECT Up/Down to choose PIP SOURCE thenpress SOURCE repeatedly to select VIDEO 1.(CH. GUIDECH. REVIEWPIP SOURCEPIP COLORPIP TINTPIP SIZEJ [ VIDEO 14. Press ENTER to remove menus from the screen.5. Press PIP on the remote to view the PIP inset.6. Use the VCR to change the channel in the PIP inset,or to view a tape in the PIP inset.7. Use ADJUST Left/Right and SELECT Up/Down toposition the PIP inset anywhere on the TV screen.PIPPress PIP to display the PIP inset. Press PIP again to removeinset.Moving The Pip Inset LocationUse four-way arrows (ADJ/SELECT) to move PIP inset tothe desired location on the TV screen.SwapPress SWAP to swap the main picture with the PIP inset.Press SWAP again to return to the original display.[-_J Main Picture%JPIP SizeSwap switches the Videofrom the Main Picture tothe PIP inset and the PIP in-set to the Main PictureSelect PIP Size in the PIP Menu to choose between seeing alarge or small PIP inset.FreezePress FREEZE to freeze motion of the picture shown in thePIP inset. Press FREEZE again to return to a live PIP inset.When the PIP inset is not currently displayed, pressingFREEZE provides an instant PIP freeze-frame of the pro-gram you are watching. Press PIP again to return to normalTV viewing. This function can be used without a secondsource to retain a phone number or freeze a football play.TVADJI ._SELECTRPSWAP6Q®Q®Q®Q®@F FWDMODESOURCEFREEZETypical RemoteYour remote may differ from unit shown.27a_-o 11 -- 4