P A G E 2 2 206-03865VIDEO MenuPress the MENU button on the remotecontrol, then use the UP/DOWN arrowbutton to select the Video menu.Press the RIGHT arrow button to accessthe Video menu.Use the UP/DOWN arrow button to selectone of the following options: Contrast,Brightness, Sharpness, Color, and Tint,then press the RIGHT arrow button.• Contrast Adjusts the differencebetween the light and dark levels ofthe picture. Press the right arrow but-ton to activate adjusting.• Brightness Adjusts the white or lightlevel of the overall picture.• Color Adjusts the intensity of all col-ors.• Sharpness Adjusts the level of crisp-ness in the edges between the lightand dark areas of the picture. The lowerthe level, the softer the image.• Tint Adjusts the balance between thered and green levels.Use the LEFT/RIGHT arrow button toadjust the option to your preference. Usethe UP/DOWN arrow button to selectanother option.Press EXIT button to save and return toTV viewing or press MENU button to saveand return to the previous menu.123You can manually adjust the levels of picture quality settings,such as Contrast, Brightness, Sharpness, etc.Adjust the picture appearance to suit your preference andviewing situations.45EZ VideoContrast GBrightnessColorSharpnessTintVMColor Temp.ModeF Back Next G50SETUPSETUPVIDEOVIDEOAUDIOAUDIOTIMETIMELOCKLOCKSPECIALSPECIAL1 2 34 5 67 8 90tvmode light powertv/video sleepauto convvcr cable dvd satfcrswappipch- pipch+pippositionrecordstoppauserewplayffmenu exitrightenterleftdownuppip input video audiovol chmuteccarccompskipflashbk1/5452/3/41/3/41/3/4