P A G E 4 4 206-03865Parental Lock Setup ContinuedUse the UP/DOWN arrows to choose fromthe following LOCK Menu options. Oncethe options are selected, change the set-tings to your preferences.• Lock On/Off: Activates or disables theblocking scheme you set up previously.• Set Password: Change the password byinputting a new password twice.• Movie (MPPA): Blocks movies accordingto the movie ratings limit, so childrencannot view certain movies. You can setthe ratings limit by blocking out all themovies with the ratings above a specifiedlevel. Keep in mind that the movie ratingslimit only applies to movie shown on TV,not TV programs, such as soap operas.• TV-PG (Children): Keeps children fromwatching certain TV programs among onlythe programs intended for children,according to the ratings limit. This ratingdoes not apply to other TV programs.Unless you block certain TV programsintended for mature audiences in the TVRating - General menu, your children mayview those programs.• TV-PG (General): Blocks certain TV pro-grams that you and your family do notwant to view, based on the ratings.• Aux. Block: Enables you to select asource for blocking among the sourcedevices you have hooked up.• Canadian: Selects Canadian English/Frenchlanguage rating system.Press EXIT button to save and return toTV viewing or press the MENU button tosave and return to the previous menu.45Lock On/OffSet PasswordMovie(MPAA)TV-PG(Children)TV-PG(General)Aux. BlockCanadianF Back Next GSETUPSETUPVIDEOVIDEOAUDIOAUDIOTIMETIMELOCKLOCKSPECIALSPECIAL1 2 34 5 67 8 90tvmode light powertv/video sleepauto convvcr cable dvd satfcrswappipch- pipch+pippositionrecordstoppauserewplayffmenu exitrightenterleftdownuppip input video audiovol chmuteccarccompskipflashbk5454