P A G E 3 9206-03865Aspect Ratio ControlUse the ARC button to select the desiredpicture format.Each press of the ARC button changesthe picture format. Your options are: 4:3,16:9, Panorama, Zoom1, and Zoom2.• 4:3 - Choose when you want to viewa picture with an original 4:3 aspectratio, with black bars appearing atboth the left and right sides.• 16:9 (Wide) - Choose when you wantto adjust the picture horizontally, in alinear proportion to fill the entirescreen. (Useful for viewing 4:3 for-matted DVDs.)• Panorama - Choose when you want toadjust the picture in a non-linear pro-portion, that is, more enlarged atboth sides, to create a spectacularview.• Zoom1 - Choose when you want toview the picture without any alter-ation. However, the top and bottomportions of the picture will becropped.• Zoom2 - Choose when you want thepicture to be altered, both horizontal-ly extended and vertically cropped.The picture taking a halfway trade offbetween alteration and screen coverage.Press EXIT to save and return to TVviewing.12Lets you choose the way that an analog picture with a4:3 aspect ratio is displayed on your TV with a 16:9 ratio.When you receive an analog picture with a 4:3 aspectratio on your 16:9 TV, you need to specify how the pic-ture is to be displayed according to your preference.16 : 9You can also select ARC (AspectRatio Control) in the SpecialMenu.1 2 34 5 67 8 90tvmode light powertv/video sleepauto convvcr cable dvd satfcrswappipch- pipch+pippositionrecordstoppauserewplayffmenu exitrightenterleftdownuppip input video audiovol chmuteccarccompskipflashbk21