VIEWING CLOSED CAPTIONSINTRODUCTIONYour new television (TV) is able to decode and display theclosed captions that are broadcast with some TV shows andprovided oil many pre-recorded video tapes. These cap-tions can Ix: subtitles for the hearing impaired, or transla-tions into another language.look for a (CC) or similar sign in your TV schedule, or onthe video tape cassette, which indicates that captions areprovided.The dosed caption signal is recorded by all VCRs whenrecording a TV broadcast or copying a tape having closedcaptions.To Access Captions1. Press CAPTIONS on the remote control. One of thethree information displays is shown, as follows.CAPTIONSOFFPRESS CAPTIONKEY TO CHANGENOTE: Generally, closed cap-dons are transmitted on CAP-TION1. CAVI'ION2 is seldomused../Captions Turned OFFCAFrlON 1ONPRESS CAFI1ONCAPTION1 Selectedand Turned ONCAPTION2ONPRE_CAPTIONKEYTOCHANGECAPTION2 Selectedand Turned ON2. Press CAPTIONS until the information display youdesire is shown. The display disappears from thescreeja automatically in about 15 seconds, or youmay press ENTER to remove the display immedi--ately."rE5FLRGHBK HUTE1.4UTE |CAPTIONSPress to select desiredcaption mode.JTypical Remote Control(Your remote control may differ from unit shown.)Automatic OperationIf caption signals are received, the caption,; appear in about15 seconds. If no caption signal is received, no ,captions ap-pear, but the TV remains in the captions mode. Captionsappear when a caption signal is received. If you want tocheck the current captions mode of your TV, press CAP-TIONS once. If you are receiving captions when you pressCAPTIONS;, the captions are interrupted and are notshown for about 15 seconds.The captions mode you have selected remains in effect untilyou change it, even if you change TV channels, tune to a TVchannel that is not broadcasting the caption signal, or turn theTV off. Sometimes captions _xe not seen when expected be-cause the captions are not being sent, such as during a com-mercial break. Captious reappear when the caption signal isreceived again. If you change TV channels to another stationthat provides closed caption.s, the captions appe;ar in about 15SeCOnds.CHARACTERISTICS OF CAPTIONSCaptions appear on the TV screen in the position deter-mined by the creator of the captions. Usmdly captions arepositioned where they w[tl least interfere with the visual ac-tion; at the top or the bottom of the screen. Newscastsgenerally provide three-line captions which "scroll" ontothe screen. Dramas and comedies generally provide two- orthree-line captions placed near the character 'who is speak-ing, so that the viewer can follow the dialogue.Captions usually appear as white letters on a black back-ground, but they may be in color. This TV shows underlinedwords or words in italics, such as titles, foreign words, andwords with special emphasis as black words on a coloredbackground. Words describing sounds are usually displayedas black words on a colored background and in paren-theses. Words that are sung usually appear enclosed bymusical notes.It is not unusual for misspellings or unusual characters toappear in closed captions, especially those of live events.During a live broadcast, th_ captions are created as the pro-gram progresses, much as a court reporter transcribes atrial as it progresses. Live broadcasts do not _dlow time tocorrect spelling errors, etc.NOTES:• When captions are being shown, you may not see otheron-screen displays, such as Volume or Mute displays.• When Channel/Time or a menu is _played, closed cap-tions are not seen.• Some cable-TV systems scramble their signals, which mayinterfere with the caption signal. Similar interference canbe caused by some video copy protection systems.CA_ON1 5 -- 1