SETUP MENUCH. (Channel) ADD/DELPurposel_ts you add channels to and remove channels from the ac-dve channels found when using the AUTO CH. SEARCHoption. In this way you can customize lhe channels that areaccessed through CHANNEL (CH) Up/Down.CH. ADD/DEL is an optional feature. You do not have toactivate this feature in order to use your TV.Before Using CH. ADD/DELUse the AUTO CH. SEARCH feature, if not previously usedwhen you first installed the TV. NOTE: CH. ADD/DEL isnot displayed while AUX channel is being used.To Add a Channel to Scan Sequence1. CH. ADD/DEL should be selected if you followedthe "Basic Menu Operation" given in the "On-Screen Menus" section.SETUP MENUAUIO CH. SEARCHCH. ADD/DELIUNING BANDAUTO RNE TUNECLOCK SETCAPI]ONSCH. BACKGROUNDCH 2 ADDSelecting Ch. Add/Del2. Using CHANNEL (CH) Up/Down go to the channelyou wish to add. NOTE: AUX channel will notappear while using CH. AI)D/DEL.3. Use numbered buttons to access channels not present-ly stored in the favorite channel scan ,;equence.4. Add channel by pres,;ing ADJUST (ADJ)Left/Right until the display shows ADD.5. Press ENTER (ENT) to return to normal TV viewing.To Delete a Channel from Scare Sequence1. CH. ADD/DEL display should be shown on the TVif you followed the "Basic Menu Operation" givenin the "On-Screen Menus" section.2. Using CHANNEL (CH) U p/Down go to the channelyou wish to remove. NOTE: AUX channel cannotbe removed.3. Remove channel by pressing ADJUST (ADJ)Left/Right until the display shows DEE4. Press ENTER (ENT) to return to normal TV viewing.When Some Channels Can Not Be TunedIf you have some difficulty tuning some channels, you mayhave to manually set the TUNING BAND option. If youhave the correct band, but are sl:ill having difficulty fmdinga channel you know to be active, set the AUTO FINETUNE to SEARCH.CH. (Channel) LABELS (Some Models)PurposeThis option allows you to show a channel "name" each timethe channel display appears on the TV. In other words, ifyou choose the label "ABC" for channel 13, "ABC" ap-pears in the ChanneLrrime display. Therefore, you alwaysknow what channel you are watching.The labels shown in the following table may be "assigned"to channels.NOTES:• CH. LABELS is not displayed while AUX channel isbeing'used.• These labels are iLnthe memory of the TV. You can notmake your own labels.• To remove an assigned channel label, select the one thatis "blank".--SETUP MENUAUTO CH. SEARCHCH. ADD/DELCH. LABELS •11JNING BANDAUTO FINE TUNECLOCK SETCAP-flONSCH. BACKGROUNDCH 13 ABCSelecting Ch. Labels* Some modelsA&E ABC ACTSBRAV CA CBCCNBC CNN COMDIS DISC E!FAM FNNHN HSE HSNMAX MEU MMTNOS PBS PLAYSC SHOW SINTMC TNN TNTUSA VC VCRWGN WTBS WWOR_LDCCBN]?.SPNi :NciFOX![c!wryPTLFBSTRAVVttlYTVAMC BEECBS CMTVCFN CTVF_;SPN ETGALA HBOINSP LIFENBC NICKQVC REQTBN TLCTSN TWNVISN VJNTo Use CH. LABELS1. CH. LABELS should be selected if you followed the"Basic Menu Operation?' given in the "On-ScreenMenu" section.2. Using the number buttons or CHANNEL Up/Down, select a chanv_el.3. Press ADJUST (ADJ) Left/Right to sequencethrough the available choices until the desired labelappears.4. Press ENTER to return to normal TV viewing.2s89-o 8 -- 2