ON-SCREEN MENUSBASIC MENU OPERATIONSADJUSTDel3/Right -_SELECTUp/DownC_3_SlE:L£CT QUIT®®®®®®®®®CZD C_D C__ A B_2_ C_ CZDCZD C_ C_DOCHANNELVOLUME[]CZDl'v/_Typical Remote Control(Your remote control maydiffer from the one shown.)MENUENTER2. To Select an Option/Feature on a MenuPress SELECT (SEL) repeatedly until tile desiredoption/feature is highlighted. The following ex-ample shows selecting TUNING BAND.SETUP lvlENUAUTO CH. SEARCHCH. ADD/DELCH. LABELS•->TUNING BANDAUTO FINE TUNECLOCK SETCAPTIONSCH, BACKGROUNDBROADCASISelecting Tuning Band3. To Adjust an Option/FeaturePress ADJUST (ADJ) Left/Right to see and choosethe available selections.NOTE: Do not change channels during menuoperations unless instructed to do so in the proce-dures given in this operating guide.4. To Access a Different Main MenuPress MENU repeatedly until the desired menu isshown.5. To Return to Normal ViewingPress ENTER (ENT) or wait a few seconds and theTV will return automatica!ly to normal operation.1, To See a Menu or Change MenusPress MENU repeatedly until the desired menu isshown. Example shows choosing the SETUP Menu.SETUP MENU-_ AUTO CH. SEARCHCH. ADD/DELCH. LABELSTUNING BANDAUTO RNE TUNECLOCK SETCAPTIONSCH. BACKGROUNDSTARTChoosing Setup MenuService Menus: In addition to the menus shown above,there are menus for factory artd field servicing. S,ervicemenus are not intended for use by the owner.If you inadvertently access a service menu, press ENTER(ENT) to return immediately to normal TV viex_6ng.259o-o 6 -- 2