PRODUCT REGISTRATION CARD,You could win a full refund on your new Zenith product.Look for the Product Registration Card on your new videoproduct.Each month a drawing is held by Zenith from the completedProduct Registration Cards received during the precedingmonth. Zenith will reimburse the winner for the full purchaseprice of the product purchased.In order to participate, simply complete and return the ProductRegistration Card at once, even if you choose not to completethe information and interests portion of the questionnaire.The odds of winning the free drawing described above,depend on the number of participants. Free drawing offeris void in Canada and other places where restricted orprohibited by law. Offer is void for Hotel/Motel andInstitutional models. Rental models are not eligible.Product Card lost or misplaced?The Product Registration Card fllrnished with your videoproduct is pre-10rinted with its Model and Serial numbers.Please fill out the card and mail it at your earliest convenience.It is imperative that Zenith know how to reach you promptly ifwe discover a safety problem th_,t would affect you. If theoriginal card has been lost or mi,;placed, you may use thereplacement card provided below. Either card will qualify youfor the flee drawing, but you are limited to only one entry inthe drawing. Complete the card, place it in an envelope andmail it to:Zenith Electronics CorporationP. O. Box 173257Denver, CO 80217-3257Use the replacement Product Registration Card only if theoriginal card has been misplacec or lost.© Zenith Product Registration Card IH5Z01-01Please Print Clearly or Type (_ Area Code Telephone,._Mr. _.IZMr,-_._'- ,._M,, I I Illl I I--I I I I IFirst Name Initial Last NameIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIStreetIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICityIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIState Zip CodeIIIIIIII1-11111IIIIIIJ!lll ,Apt. No.1111112111Q Date of PurchaseMo. Day Yr.L_L__II_111I I°°ELllll IlllllNUMBERCopy Numbers HereFrom Label on SetPlease record the model numberand serial number from the stickeron the back of your set.",'V(_A RD2