All rights reserved Side 3 af 16Register layout:Register addresses are specified as decimal numerals.Input registers are placed in the address area 30001..39999.Holding registers are placed in the address area 40001..49999.NOTE:In the following tables, the register addresses applied in the MODBUS messages are without theglobal offset. This means that if you read input register 100 with function code 04, you will get theglobal address 30101.NOTE:All input registers can also be read as type holding register with function code 03 by adding theoffset value 10000 to the register address. No writes will be accepted in this range.Register groupsThe protocol data is grouped into the following address ranges with 100 registers in each group.This applies to both input and holding register types:Name Address Description VPM VPL VP VGU COMFDevice 000 Protocol and controller setup x x x x xDiscrete I/O 100 Input / output bits (on/off) x x x x xAnalog I/O 200 Input / output words x x x x xTime 300 Clock and calendar x x x x xAlarm 400 Alarm and message handling x x x x xWeek program 500 Calendar based programming x x x x xUser functions 600 User input function selection x x x x x-- 700 ---- 800 ---- 900 --Control 1000 System control and status x x x x xAirFlow 1100 Ventilation control x x x x xAirTemp 1200 Room temperature control x x x xAirBypass 1300 Exchanger bypass control x xAirHeat 1400 Inlet air heater control x x xCompressor 1500 Compressor operation control x x x xDefrost 1600 Defrosting control x x x x xHotWater 1700 Hot water control x xCentHeat 1800 Central water heat control(EK)x xAirQual 1900 Air quality control (RH, CO2) x x x x xUser panel 2000 Display and keyboard x x x x xPreHeat 2100 Intake air preheat / earth tube x x