May be subject to change page 24 af 33Air exchangeIn the ”Air exchange” menu it is possible to chose between 3 different types of ventilation depend-ing on your individual demand.” ” indicates that the menu point flashes and can be set to another value.Use of the CTS602 panel:- press ESC to go one step back in the menu- press qp to move up or down in a menu or to adjust anactivated menu- press ENTERto activate a menu- press ENTERto confirm a menu- press OFF to turn off the unit- press ON to turn the unit onAIREXCHANGEAIR EXCHENERGYAIR EXCH”ENERGY”CURVEMIN ”38°C”ENTER ENTERStart temperature forthe curve regulation ofthe inlet air volume.The value is preset to38 °C and can be setbetween 28 °C and 43°C.ENTERENTERIn COMFORT W mode theinlet fan stops as long asthere is a need for heatingwater. If the unit is in coolingmode the inlet fan will notstop.CURVEMIN 38°CENTERENTERAIR EXCH”COMFORT”AIR EXCH”COMFORT W”ENTER In COMFORTmode the airexchange isbalanced. Thisensures the rigthlevel of ventilationchosen by the user.CURVEMAX 35°CCOMP MINOFFWINTERLOW OFFENERGY mode secures an energyoptimized operation by adjusting the inletair volume according to the setting of thecurve value.When using curve regulation the inlet airwill always be warm. When regulating theinlet airflow down when the heat recoveryfrom the heat pump is not adequate it ispossible to keep the inlet air warm. Theinlet fan can stop if necessary especiallywhen a large quantity of hot water isneeded.The compressor startsin heating mode at lowoutdoor temperature.The value can be setto OFF or from + 15 °Cto – 15 °C.Possibility of low ventilationstep at low outdoortemperatures.The value can be set to OFF,1, 2, 3.Figure 15: The ”Air exchange” menu