May be subject to change page 9 af 33Main menuThe main menu is automatically shown 15 seconds after the unit is electrically connected.” ” indicates that the menu point flashes and can be set to another value.The options available on the main menu are shown in the figure below:Use of the CTS602 panel:- press ESC to go one step back in the menu- press qp to move up or down in a menu or to adjust anactivated menu- press ENTERto activate a menu- press ENTERto confirm a menu- press OFF to turn off the unit- press ON to turn the unit onAUTO>2< ”19°C”AUTO”>3<” 19°C”COOLING”>2< 19°C”HEAT”>2< 19°C”AUTO”>2< 19°CAUTO”>2<” 19°CENTER ENTERAUTO>2< 19°CAUTO>2< ”5-30°C”ENTERIn AUTO mode the unitautomatically chosescooling or heatingaccording to the desiredroom temperature. Weekprogramme is possible.Heating according to thedesired roomtemperature.Week programme isNOT optional.Cooling according to thedesired roomtemperature.Week programme isNOT optional.The indicated ventilationstep applies for theexhaust.Figure 6: Headlines in the ”Main menu”