User's Guide for CTS6000 Control panel Version 1.00Subject to alteration without notice. NILAN A/S Page 10 of 11Description of alarmsAlarm name Description RemedyDoor openID 32 Level - 4Door to fans is open. Ventilation unitstops in order to prevent personal injury.Close door and reset alarm.Fire alarmID 33 Level - 4The unit is equipped with two firethermostats: one in the inlet duct, theother in the exhaust duct. If temperaturebecomes excessive, the thermostats areactivated.Reset fire thermostats in unitand reset alarm.Smoke alarmID 30 Level - 4Smoke detectors can be fitted in theunit. One of these smoke detectors hassensed smoke.Check smoke detector andreset alarm.Thermal relayID 34 Level - 4Motor protector has cut out; Klixon incompressor motor or fan motor has cutout; or error has occurred in frequencyconverter.Reset motor protector orremedy error in frequencyconverter and reset alarm.High pressurealarmID 2 Level - 4A high pressure alarm can be activatedif there is insufficient air flow through theunit. This may be caused by blockedfilters, loose V-belts or dampers whichhave not opened.Reset alarm. If the alarmrepeatedly occurs for noapparent reason, call service.Low pressurealarm 1ID 3 – 6 Level - 2Low pressure alarm 1 can be activated ifthere is insufficient air flow through theunit. This may be caused by blockedfilters, loose V-belts or dampers whichhave not opened.The controls stop thecompressor itself until thepressure switch is reset. Max. 5times an hour, however.Condenser highpressureID 8 – 11 Level - 4Upper limit(2) for cooling circuit pressureset under "Pressure limits" has beenexceeded. The alarm can be activatedby insufficient air flow through the unit.This may be caused by blocked filters,loose V-belts or dampers which havenot opened.Reset alarm. If the alarmrepeatedly occurs for noapparent reason, call service.Evaporator lowpressure 1ID 9 – 12 Level - 3Lower limit(2) for cooling circuitpressure, which is set under "Pressurelimits", has been exceeded. The alarmcan be activated by insufficient air flowthrough the unit. This may be caused byblocked filters, loose V-belts or damperswhich have not opened.The controls stop thecompressor until pressure isregained. Max. 5 times an hour,however.Evaporator lowpressure 2ID 10–13 Level - 4Evaporator low pressure 2 is activated ifEvaporator low pressure 1 has beenactivated 5 times within the last hour.Reset alarm. If the alarmrepeatedly occurs for noapparent reason, call service.CondenseroverheatedID 20 Level - 4Condenser temperature (T5) settingunder "Pressure limits" too high. Thealarm can be activated by insufficient airflow through the unit. This may becaused by blocked filters, loose V-beltsor dampers which have not opened.Reset alarm. If the alarmrepeatedly occurs for noapparent reason, call service.Evaporator too coldID 21 Level - 4Evaporator temperature (T6) settingunder "Pressure limits" too low. Thealarm can be activated by insufficient airflow through the unit. This may becaused by blocked filters, loose V-beltsor dampers which have not opened.Reset alarm. If the alarmrepeatedly occurs for noapparent reason, call service.