User's Guide for CTS6000 Control panel Version 1.00Subject to alteration without notice. NILAN A/S Page 4 of 11Control panel menusThe panel consists of a "Power" button, an "Alarm" button, four arrow buttons and a "Set" button.The buttons have the following functions. Pressing any button for the first time activates the backlitdisplay. The "POWER" button is used to start/stop the system in "Weekly program" mode or toactivate "Extended operation". The "ALARM" button is used to access the alarm log. "Arrow right"is used to enter/open a menu option. "Arrow left" is used to return. "Arrow up" is used to scrollupwards or to increase a parameter setting. "Arrow down" is used to scroll downwards or to reducea parameter setting. The "SET" button is used to save a new setting.The startup display shows current system status, see Figure 1. The main menu is opened from thestartup display using the arrow up or arrow down button, see Figure 2.Figure 1 Panel startup display Figure 2 MenueThe startup display reappears if no button is pressed for 15 seconds.Alarm log/event logThe alarm log is accessed by pressing the "ALARM" button, i.e. the one marked with a bell on thebottom right of the panel. The most recent alarms/events will then be displayed, see Figure 3. It ispossible to scroll through previous alarms/events using the arrow up and down buttons.Figure 3 Alarm log with new alarm Figure 4 Alarm log with no alarmIn the event of a new alarm, the red lamp above the alarm button will flash. Press the button toview the alarm and then press "SET" to reset the alarm, see Figure 4. If the system has beenstopped as a result of an alarm, it will be restarted once the alarm has been reset in the alarm log ifthe error that caused the alarm has been remedied.GO TO MENUCONTROLLING SENSOR : 20.3 CSETPOINT : 20.0 CWEEKLYPROGRAMMENUEXITLANGUAGE SELECTIONWEEKLY PROGRAMSYSTEM INFORMATIONMENULANGUAGE SELECTIONWEEKLY PROGRAMSYSTEM INFORMATIONEXITALARM LOG13-03-2009 12:55System started13-03-2009 12:52System stoppedALARM LOGNo new alarms