HumidityTIME60 MINENTER4HUMIDITYLOW >1<LOW30%HUMIDITYHIGH >4<HUMIDITYLOW >”1”<LOW”30%”HUMIDITYHIGH >”4”<ENTER ENTERENTERENTERENTER TIME”60” MINENTERENTERENTERHUMIDITY1231. HUMIDITY LOW "1" Option for selecting lower fan speed in case of low air humidity.The value can be set to: OFF and 1, 2, 3.2. LOW "30"% Range adjustable between 15-45%. 30% is standard3. HUMIDITY HIGH "4" Option for selecting higher fan speed in case of high air humidity.The value can be set to: OFF and 2, 3, 4.4. TIME "60" MIN Maximum duration of high fan speed due to high air humidity.The time can be set from 0-180 min.The HUMIDITY menu has a option for running at higher and/or lower fan speeds in case of high/low airhumidity.Low fan speeds are only activated in winter operation and at air humidity levels below 30%.High speeds are activated by a change from 10% to 5% compared to an average relative air humidity of40% to 80% over the last 24 hours.When the current air humidity decreases to the average relative air humidity + 3%, high speedoperation will end. If the time expires before the air humidity has reached this level, high speedoperation will end.High fan speed is deactivated again when the air humidity falls to within 3% or less of the 24 houraverage.Up to 3 minutes may elapse before the high/low fan speed has stabilised.Flashing menu items are designated with " ".Comfort 200 Top (English) BY NILAN19