Operation and maintenanceBypass functionWhen the current room temperature is above the desired temperature, there is no further need forheat recovery. In this situation, the bypass opens and diverts the outdoor air round the heatexchanger, preventing the latter from being heated by the indoor air. This results in lower internalpressure in the unit, thereby saving energy on fan operation.The unit has a 100% bypass, which means that as well as diversion of the outdoor air round the heatexchanger, a damper closes off the heat exchanger, preventing any outdoor air from passing throughit.Humidity controlAs standard, the unit is fitted with intelligent humidity control, which automatically adjusts to theneeds of the family or building.By means of the integral humidity sensor, the control system calculates the average value for the past24 hours. The average value is consulted when deciding whether to change the air change rate in theevent of a fluctuation in the air humidity in the extract air, and at the same time it adjusts to the airhumidity levels in summer and winter.If the air humidity rises by more than 5-10% (summer/winter), forced ventilation is activated in orderto expel the humidity as quickly as possible. If the average air humidity falls below the set value for lowhumidity (default value 30%), the unit will operate at a reduced level with a lower air change rate, inorder not to dry out the home even further.This automatic humidity control helps to save energy on operation, and to ensure satisfactory comfortin the home.26