Operating modeIt is possible to provide the unit with an input which determines whether it will operate in Auto, Heatingor Cooling.VentilationOperating mode Settings:Standard setting:Description:Auto/ Heating/ CoolingAutoAuto : The unit operates in accordance with the setvalues.Heating : The unit operates in accordance with the setvalues, but is not set to perform cooling.Active cooling has been blocked and the bypassdamper will not open.Cooling : The unit operates in accordance with the setvalues, but is not set to perform heating.Active heating and the after heating element havebeen blocked.With this setting the unit can perform cooling in winteroperation under the correct conditions.The functions Heating and Cooling override the weekly schedule, and can be used in situations such asthe following:HeatingA weekly schedule has been made in which the room temperature is lowered between 8.00 and 16.00during the day, when the residents are at work or school. During the autumn half-term they no longerwish to lower the daytime temperature as they are at home that week. Instead of cancelling the weeklyschedule, this can be overridden by setting the unit to heating mode. The unit now operates inaccordance with the desired room temperature, which can be set on the front of the touch-panel.CoolingA large modern house with extensive south-facing windows can start having overheating problems asearly as March/April, if the sun is shining form a cloudless sky. As the outdoor temperature maybe onlyis 8 °C, the unit will be running in winter mode, with a setting which prevents it from cooling. Thislimitation can be overridden by setting the unit to cooling mode. The unit will try to cool the indoor air,if the right conditions are present. Cooling will take place via bypass and at high indoor temperatureswith active cooling via the heat pump.ATTENTIONThe system will automatically change to Auto on the next change in the weekly schedule, is suchis programmed.18