Humidity controlThe unit has a built-in humidity control to control the ventilation relative to the average humidity, inorder to maintain a good relative humidity in the house.If the average humidity in the house is below a set level (factory setting 30%), it is possible to reducethe ventilation to avoid further drying of humidity in the house. It will typically only be needed forshorter periods during the winter.The humidity control has a further feature that allows increased ventilation if the humidity level getshigh, for example, if you take a bath. It reduces the risk of mold formation in the bathroom, and in mostcases you avoid dew on the mirror in the bathroom.The humidity control system follows the average air humidity measured over the previous 24 hours. Inthis way, the system automatically adapts to summer and winter conditions.VentilationHumidity control↳ Low humidity level Settings:Standard setting:Description:15 ↔ 45 %30 %The humidity control calculates the average airhumidity measured over the previous 24 hours. If theaverage air humidity in the extract air falls below thislevel, the "Low humidity" function is activated.↳ Fan speed at low humidity Settings:Standard setting:Description:Level 1/ Level 2/ Level 3Level 1In case of "Low himidity", the unit changes to the setfan speed level.↳ Fan speed at high humidity Settings:Standard setting:Description:Level 2/ Level 3/ Level 4Level 3In case of "High humidity", e.g. when bathing, the unitchanges to the set fans speed level.↳ Max. time at high humidity (min) Settings:Standard setting:Description:0 ↔ 180 minutes60 minutesThe function "High humidity" stops when the actual airhumidity is 3% above average air humidity.There is a time limit set for how long this function isallowed to run. If it is set to 0 minutes, the function isde-activated.↳ Average air humidity Description: This shows the relative humidity in the extract air asan average over the previous 24 hours.Prioritisation sequence in the control system:1. Userprogram 2 and 1 with high priority for ventilation2. High ventilation in connection with cooling3. Low ventilation in connection with low outdoor airtemperature4. Low air humidity5. High air humidity6. User program 27. User program 18. CO 2 level (accessory)9. Manually set values10. Week programCompact P / Compact P Polar (English) BY NILAN19