- 25 -Nino® user manual4.10 Introduction to the different operating modesThe Nino® offers the following operating modes (Status):Ø Off mode: In “off mode,” all the electronic control systems are stopped. Only the remote key remains functional in order tostart up the device again.Ø Standby mode: the Nino® is on, but it does not maintain balance by itself. In standby mode, the majority of systems areactivated, but the motor control system is resting, although it can be activated every now and then if necessary.Ø Balanced mode: the Nino® balances itself and all systems are operating at full power. This state assumes the presence of aperson on the device or close to it and with a limited speed..4.11 Getting to know the remote and in-dash key systemsThe appearance of the remote key and the functions of its different buttons are described in the following table. You may carry it on the keychainprovided by us so you do not lose it.On the remote key, you will find four buttons defined in the table below: Ignition ; Locking; Information ; Passage at limited speed . Each ofthese buttons may be activated in two ways—namely, by a long pressure, which lasts more than 1.5 seconds, and by a short pressure, which lastsless than 1.5 seconds.