TOBY-L4 series - System Integration ManualUBX-16024839 - R04 System descriptionPage 29 of 1431.5.1.6 VCC current consumption in fixed active mode (power saving disabled)When power saving is disabled, the module does not automatically enter the low power idle mode wheneverpossible: the module remains in active mode. Power saving configuration is by default disabled. It can also bedisabled using the AT+UPSV command (see the u-blox AT Commands Manual [2]) or the dedicated uCPU API.The module processor core is activated during idle mode, and the 26 MHz reference clock frequency is used. Itwould draw more current during the paging period than that in the power saving mode.Figure 10 illustrates a typical example of the module current consumption profile when power saving is disabled.In such a case, the module is registered with the network and while active mode is maintained, the receiver isperiodically activated to monitor the paging channel for paging block reception.It must be noted that the actual current consumption of the module in active mode depends on the specificconcurrent activities performed by the integrated CPU.ACTIVE MODE2G case: 0.44-2.09 s3G case: 0.61-5.09 sLTE case: 0.32-2.56 sPaging periodTime [s]Current [mA]Time [ms]Current [mA]RXEnabled01000100Figure 10: VCC current consumption profile with power saving disabled and module registered with the network: active modeis always held and the receiver is periodically activated to monitor the paging channel for paging block reception