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Carrier 30RQY 039 Series manuals

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30RQY 039 Series

Brand: Carrier | Category: Heat Pump
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. IntRoDUCtIon
  4. Equipment and components under pressure
  5. Maintenance safety considerations
  6. MovIng anD sItIng the UnIt
  7. Duct connection
  8. Electrical protection of the fan motors
  9. DIMensIons, CleaRanCes
  10. RQS 080-160, units with and without hydronic module
  11. RQSY 039-045, units with and without hydronic module, without filter frame
  12. RQSY 039-045, option 23B, units with and without hydronic module, with filter frame
  13. RQSY 050-078, units with and without hydronic module, without filter frame
  14. RQSY 050-078 option 23B, units with and without hydronic module, with filter frame
  15. RQSY 080-120 units with and without hydronic module
  16. RQSY 140-160 units with and without hydronic module
  17. QBS/RQSY 039-080 units with desuperheater
  18. phYsICal Data, 30RQs UnIts
  19. phYsICal Data, 30RQsY UnIts
  20. eleCtRICal Data, 30RQs anD 30RQsY UnIts
  21. Compressor usage and electrical data for standard units
  22. applICatIon Data
  23. Water heat exchanger water flow rate
  24. Recommended wire sections
  25. WateR ConneCtIons
  26. Hydronic connections
  27. noMInal sYsteM WateR floW ContRol
  28. Units with hydronic module and fixed-speed pump
  29. Units with hydronic module and variable-speed pump - temperature difference control
  30. Plate heat exchanger pressure drop (including internal piping) - units without hydronic module
  31. Available external static pressure - units with hydronic module (fixed-speed or variable-speed pump, 50 Hz)
  32. staRt-Up
  33. Supplementary electric resistance heaters
  34. MajoR sYsteM CoMponents
  35. Water evaporator/condenser
  36. optIons
  37. speCIfIC DetaIls foR UnIts WIth a fan WIth avaIlaBle statIC pRessURe (30RQsY)
  38. Installation and operation of the heat reclaim with desuperheater option
  39. Installation
  40. stanDaRD MaIntenanCe
  41. Level 2 maintenance
  42. Tightening torques for the main electrical connections
  43. Refrigerant volume
  44. staRt-Up CheCklIst foR 30RQs/30RQsY heat pUMps (Use foR joB fIle)
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