Contents - Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- IntRoDUCtIon
- Equipment and components under pressure
- Maintenance safety considerations
- MovIng anD sItIng the UnIt
- Duct connection
- Electrical protection of the fan motors
- DIMensIons, CleaRanCes
- RQS 080-160, units with and without hydronic module
- RQSY 039-045, units with and without hydronic module, without filter frame
- RQSY 039-045, option 23B, units with and without hydronic module, with filter frame
- RQSY 050-078, units with and without hydronic module, without filter frame
- RQSY 050-078 option 23B, units with and without hydronic module, with filter frame
- RQSY 080-120 units with and without hydronic module
- RQSY 140-160 units with and without hydronic module
- QBS/RQSY 039-080 units with desuperheater
- phYsICal Data, 30RQs UnIts
- phYsICal Data, 30RQsY UnIts
- eleCtRICal Data, 30RQs anD 30RQsY UnIts
- Compressor usage and electrical data for standard units
- applICatIon Data
- Water heat exchanger water flow rate
- Recommended wire sections
- WateR ConneCtIons
- Hydronic connections
- noMInal sYsteM WateR floW ContRol
- Units with hydronic module and fixed-speed pump
- Units with hydronic module and variable-speed pump - temperature difference control
- Plate heat exchanger pressure drop (including internal piping) - units without hydronic module
- Available external static pressure - units with hydronic module (fixed-speed or variable-speed pump, 50 Hz)
- staRt-Up
- Supplementary electric resistance heaters
- MajoR sYsteM CoMponents
- Water evaporator/condenser
- optIons
- speCIfIC DetaIls foR UnIts WIth a fan WIth avaIlaBle statIC pRessURe (30RQsY)
- Installation and operation of the heat reclaim with desuperheater option
- Installation
- stanDaRD MaIntenanCe
- Level 2 maintenance
- Tightening torques for the main electrical connections
- Refrigerant volume
- staRt-Up CheCklIst foR 30RQs/30RQsY heat pUMps (Use foR joB fIle)
2510.3 - Water heat exchanger water flow rate30RQS/RQSYflow rate, l/sMinimum Maximum* Maximum dual pump**low pressure*** High pressure***039 0.9 3.0 2.9 3.4045 0.9 3.4 3.2 3.8050 0.9 4.2 3.7 4.4060 0.9 5.0 4.1 5.0070 1.0 5.0 4.1 5.0078 1.2 5.5 4.4 5.2080 1.2 6.8 5.1 6.2090 1.3 6.8 5.1 6.2100 1.5 7.7 6.3 6.5120 1.7 8.5 6.5 8.0140 2.0 10.6 7.9 8.7160 2.3 11.2 8.2 8.9* Maximum flow rate at a pressure drop of 100 kPa in the plate heat exchanger(unit without hydronic module).** Maximum flow rate at an available pressure of 20 kPa (unit with low-pressurehydronic module) or 50 kPa (high-pressure module).*** Maximum flow rate with single pump is 2 to 4% higher, depending on the size10.4 - Minimum water flow rateIf the installation flow rate is below the minimum flow rate,there is a risk of excessive fouling.10.5 - Maximum water heat exchanger water flow rateThis is limited by the permitted water heat exchangerpressure drop. Also, a minimum water heat exchanger ∆T of2.8 K must be guaranteed, which corresponds to a waterflow rate of 0.09 l/s per kW.10.6 - Water loop volume10.6.1 - Minimum water loop volumeThe minimum water loop volume, in litres, is given by thefollowing formula:Volume (l) = CAP (kW) x N, where CAP is the nominalcooling capacity at nominal operating conditions.application Nair conditioning 2.5*Industrial process cooling (See note)* For sizes 039 to 120, N can be increased up to 4 depending on the size of thehot-water loop to prevent a water temperature drop during the defrost cycle.NOTE: For industrial process cooling applications, where high stability of the watertemperature levels must be achieved, the values above must be increased.10.6.2 - Maximum water loop volumeUnits with hydronic module incorporate an expansion tankthat limits the water loop volume. The table below gives themaximum loop volume for pure water or ethylene glycolwith various concentrations.30RQS/RQSY 039-078 080-160Static pressure bar 1 2 3 1 2 3pure water litres 600 400 200 1680 1120 56010% ethylene glycol l 450 300 150 1260 840 42020% ethylene glycol l 330 220 110 930 620 31030% ethylene glycol l 270 180 90 750 500 25040% ethylene glycol l 225 150 75 630 420 210If the total system volume is higher than the values givenabove, the installer must add another expansion tank,suitable for the additional volume.11 - ElECTRICal CONNECTION11.1 - Control boxPlease refer to the certified dimensional drawings, suppliedwith the unit.11.2 - power supplyThe power supply must conform to the specification on theheat pump nameplate. The supply voltage must be withinthe range specified in the electrical data table. For connec-tions refer to the wiring diagrams and the certified dimen-sional drawings.WArNINg: Operation of the heat pump with an impropersupply voltage or excessive phase imbalance constitutesabuse which will invalidate the Carrier warranty. If thephase imbalance exceeds 2% for voltage, or 10% forcurrent, contact your local electricity supply at once andensure that the heat pump is not switched on until correc-tive measures have been taken.11.3 - voltage phase imbalance (%)100 x max. deviation from average voltageAverage voltageexample:On a 400 V - 3 ph - 50 Hz supply, the individual phasevoltages were measured to be:AB = 406 V; BC = 399 V; AC = 394 VAverage voltage = (406 + 399 + 394)/3 = 1199/3= 399.7 say 400 VCalculate the maximum deviation from the 400 V average:(AB) = 406 - 400 = 6(BC) = 400 - 399 = 1(CA) = 400 - 394 = 6The maximum deviation from the average is 6 V. Thegreatest percentage deviation is: 100 x 6/400 = 1.5%This is less than the permissible 2% and is thereforeacceptable.This volume is required to obtain temperature stability andprecision. To achieve this volume, it may be necessary to adda storage tank to the circuit. This tank should be equippedwith baffles to allow mixing of the fluid (water or brine).Please refer to the examples below.Bad GoodBad GoodMotor PreviousNext |