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Patton electronics NetLink 2960 RAS manuals

NetLink 2960 RAS first page preview

NetLink 2960 RAS

Table of contents
  1. remote access server
NetLink 2960 RAS first page preview

NetLink 2960 RAS

Brand: Patton electronics | Category: Server
Table of contents
  1. remote access server
  2. Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. Audience
  9. Typographical conventions used in this document
  10. mouse conventions
  11. Introduction
  12. Logging into the HTTP/HTML Administration
  13. Saving HTTP/HTML Object Changes
  14. Home
  15. Operating Status Variables
  16. Immediate Actions
  17. Import/Export
  18. Export Configuration
  19. Import Configuration
  20. Alarms
  21. Displaying the Alarms window
  22. alarm response outputs
  23. Modify Response—Configuring the alarm response system
  24. Modify Alarms—Configuring alarm severity levels
  25. Chapter 5 Authentication
  26. Authentication
  27. Table Of Contents
  28. Displaying the Authentication window
  29. validated via static database (auauthenticationsvalidstatic)
  30. The Configuration section
  31. Setting Up Authentication
  32. Static User Authentication
  33. Modify Static User
  34. service ip (suserviceip)
  35. Configuring the DAX
  36. Chapter 7 Dial In
  37. Table Of Contents
  38. Table Of Contents
  39. Table Of Contents
  40. Table Of Contents
  41. Dial In main window
  42. Dial Modulations window
  43. dsp link (diactdspindex)
  44. receive connection speed (diactrxspeed)
  45. Dial Telco window
  46. wan link (diactlinkindex)
  47. Dial Protocol window
  48. protocol (diactprotocol)
  49. local-remote vj protocol comprsn (diiplocaltoremotecompprot)
  50. Dial In Details
  51. Dial In Modify default window
  52. modify login
  53. modify service
  54. modify domain name server
  55. modify attempts
  56. modify configuration
  57. multibox (diconfigmmp)
  58. modify isdn configuration
  59. modify modem configuration
  60. v22 (dimodemv22enable)
  61. Manage DNIS Window
  62. manage dnis main window
  63. dnis entry window
  64. Dial In User Statistics window
  65. operational status (diipoperstatus)
  66. physical layer
  67. Chapter 8 Dial Out
  68. Dial Out
  69. Dial Out Main Window
  70. user (doactusername)
  71. Dial Out Details window
  72. Dial Out Modify window
  73. modify maximum time
  74. Dial Out Locations Window
  75. Dial Out User Statistics Window
  76. An example section of dialout
  77. Chapter 9 Callback
  78. Callback
  79. Dial-in Modify Configuration
  80. Dial-in Main Window
  81. RADIUS Configuration
  82. Accounting information
  83. Drop and Insert
  84. Drop and Insert main window
  85. How Drop and Insert works
  86. using drop and insert
  87. Digital Signal Processing (DSP)
  88. DSP Settings main window
  89. instance #1 use (dspusefirst)
  90. DSP Connection Performance
  91. connection summaries
  92. dsp connection totals
  93. DSP information window
  94. call statistics
  95. Chapter 12 Ethernet
  96. Ethernet
  97. Ethernet Main Window
  98. Ethernet Modify Window
  99. Ethernet Statistics
  100. fcs errors (dot3statsfcserrors)
  101. received frames too long (dot3statsframetoolongs)
  102. Chapter 13 Filter IP
  103. Filter IP
  104. Defining a filter
  105. name (filteripname)
  106. action (filteripaction)
  107. source port
  108. protocol (filteripprotocol)
  109. An example of using a filter
  110. Chapter 14 Frame Relay
  111. Frame Relay
  112. The Frame Relay main window
  113. link x (frdlcmiifindex)
  114. DLMI Window
  115. signalling (frdlcmistate)
  116. DLCI window
  117. dlci (frcircuitdlci)
  118. Chapter 15 Interfaces
  119. Interfaces
  120. Interfaces main window
  121. Interface Details
  122. max transfer unit (ifmtu)
  123. received and discarded w/no errs (ifindiscards)
  124. Chapter 16 IP
  125. Table Of Contents
  126. Table Of Contents
  127. Table Of Contents
  128. IP main window
  129. forwarded datagrams (ipforwdatagrams)
  130. Modify
  131. tcp main window
  132. tcp details
  133. ICMP
  134. block icmp redirects (boxblockicmpredirects)
  135. destinations unreachable (icmpindestunreachs, icmpoutdestunreachs)
  136. Addressing Information
  137. Routing Information
  138. O/S forwarding table window
  139. next hop (iproutenexthop)
  140. IP Routing Destination window
  141. Address Translation Information
  142. interface (ipnettomediaentry)
  143. MFR Version 2
  144. MFR Version 2 main window
  145. Interregister Signalling
  146. MFR Version 2—Modify
  147. called number
  148. calling number
  149. Chapter 18 RIP Version 2
  150. RIP Version 2
  151. RIP Version 2 main window
  152. RIP Version 2—Configuration
  153. RIP Version 2 (Statistics)
  154. sent updates (rip2ifstatsentupdates)
  155. Chapter 19 SNMP
  156. SNMP
  157. SNMP window
  158. packets (snmpinpkts)
  159. get/get next variables (snmpintotalreqvars)
  160. generated errors (snmpoutgenerrs)
  161. System
  162. System main window
  163. message blocks
  164. operating system heap memory
  165. payable features
  166. System—Modify window
  167. System—Packet Holding Message Blocks
  168. System Log
  169. System Log Main Window
  170. System Log—Modify
  171. System Log—Volatile Memory
  172. System Log—Non-Volatile Memory
  173. Chapter 22 T1/E1 Link
  174. T1/E1 Link
  175. Table Of Contents
  176. Table Of Contents
  177. T1/E1 Link Activity main window
  178. Alarms Present
  179. alarm indication signal (ais) failure
  180. isdn signaling alarms (linksignalstatus)
  181. Line Status—Configuration
  182. WAN Circuit Configuration—Modify
  183. signalling settings
  184. test settings
  185. Line Status—Channel Assignment
  186. Near End Line Statistics—Current
  187. errored seconds (dsx1currentess)
  188. Near End Line Statistics—History
  189. Near End Line Statistics—Totals
  190. severely errored seconds (dsx1totalsess)
  191. Far End Line Statistics—Current
  192. Far End Line Statistics—History
  193. severely errored seconds (dsx1farendintervalsess)
  194. Far End Line Statistics—Totals
  195. bursty errored seconds (dsx1farendtotalbess)
  196. Sync PPP
  197. WAN Circuit CONFIGURATION window
  198. ppp configuration
  199. default settings
  200. Chapter 24 Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP)
  201. Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP)
  202. L2TP Configuration
  203. radius authentication
  204. configuration example
  205. Contacting Patton
  206. Patton Electronics Company contact information
  207. License
  208. End User License Agreement
  209. grant of license
  210. Access-Accept Attributes
  211. Access-Challenge Attributes
  212. Accounting-Stop Attributes
  213. Model 2960 MIB Tree Structure
  214. Appendix C Technical Reference
  215. Table Of Contents
  216. Configuring a RADIUS server
  217. radius authentication procedure
  218. radius—where can i get it
  219. configuring radius
  220. Using SNMP with the Access Server
  221. finding the section of the mib tree in which the snmp parameter resides
  222. Configuring Non-Facility Associated Signaling (NFAS)
  223. Configuring Frame Relay
  224. wan channel assignment main screen
  225. configuring frame relay link parameters
  226. configuring permanent virtual circuits
  227. Configuring DNIS
  228. Configuring a leased line/dedicated line connection
  229. configuring the remote end using microsoft windows
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