24 CHAPTER 4: T ROUB LESHOOTING A ND HELP RESOU RCESbe plugged into the jack labelled on the modem and into the wallphone jack. Use the phone cord included in your modem's box ifpossible.Possible solution:You may have devices between the modem and the phone jack. Thereshould be no line splitters, fax machines, or other devices between themodem and the wall jack.Office Users Possible solution:You may have plugged your modem's phone cord into a digital line,which can damage your modem. Contact your phone systemadministrator if you are unsure whether or not your phone line is digital.If your phone system requires dialing “9” to access an outside line, besure to add “9” before the number you are dialing.Dialing Problems forVoice Mail UsersPossible solution:If you have voice mail provided by your local phone company, your dialtone may be altered when messages are waiting. Retrieve your voice mailto restore your normal dial tone.My modem soundslike it's trying toconnect to anothermodem but fails.Possible solution:You may have a poor connection. All calls are routed differently, so tryplacing the call again.My modem isn'tachieving a 56KInternet connection.Possible solution:Note: U.S. Robotics 56K modems are capable of receiving downloads atup to 56 Kbps and sending at 31.2 Kbps. Actual download speeds youexperience may be lower due to varying line conditions. Maximumdownload speeds in U.S. and Canada are limited to 53K, due toregulatory limits on power output.Our research has shown that the vast majority of telephone lines in NorthAmerica can and do support 56K installation. The V.90 protocol allowsfor connection speeds of up to 56K, but line conditions may affect theactual speeds during a given connection. Due to unusual telephone line