Internal Winmodem® Modems 33Try reinstalling your modem using the instructions on the InstallationGuide.My modem won’tdial out or doesn’tanswer incomingcalls.For both Dialing and Answering ProblemsPossible solution:You may have a bad phone cord connection to your modem, or yourphone cord may be plugged into the wrong jack. The phone cord shouldbe plugged into the jack labelled on the modem and into the wallphone jack. Use the phone cord included in your modem’s box if possible.Possible solution:You may have devices between the modem and the phone jack. Thereshould be no line splitters, fax machines, or other devices between themodem and the wall jack.Office Users Possible solution:You may have plugged your modem’s phone cord into a digital line,which can damage your modem. Contact your phone systemadministrator if you are unsure whether or not your phone line is digital.If your phone system requires dialing “9” to access an outside line, besure to add “9” before the number you are dialing.Voice Mail Users Possible solution:If you have voice mail provided by your local phone company, your dialtone may be altered when messages are waiting. Retrieve your voice mailto restore your normal dial tone.My modem soundslike it’s trying toconnect to anothermodem but fails.Possible solution:You may have a poor connection. All calls are routed differently, so tryplacing the call again.