34 C HAPTER 3: A CCESSING THE S WITCHUnderstanding theCommand SyntaxThis section describes the steps to take when entering a command. Referto the sections that follow for detailed information on using thecommand-line interface.To use the command-line interface (CLI), follow these steps:1 When entering a command at the prompt, ensure that you have theappropriate privilege level.Most configuration commands require you to have the administratorprivilege level.2 Enter the command name.If the command does not include a parameter or values, skip to Step 3. Ifthe command requires more information, continue to Step 2a.a If the command includes a parameter, enter the parameter name andvalues.b The value part of the command specifies how you want the parameterto be set. Values include numerics, strings, or addresses, depending onthe parameter.3 After entering the complete command, press [Return].If an asterisk (*) appears in front of the command-line prompt, itindicates that you have outstanding configuration changes that have notbeen saved. For more information on saving configuration changes, referto Chapter 10.Syntax Helper The CLI has a built-in syntax helper. If you are unsure of the completesyntax for a particular command, enter as much of the command aspossible and press [Return]. The syntax helper provides a list of optionsfor the remainder of the command.The syntax helper also provides assistance if you have entered an incorrectcommand.CommandCompletion withSyntax HelperThe switch provides command completion by way of the [Tab] key. If youenter a partial command, pressing the [Tab] key posts a list of availableoptions, and places the cursor at the end of the command.