Configuring FDB Entries83Configuring FDBEntriesTo configure entries in the FDB, use the commands listed in Table 21.FDB ConfigurationExamplesThe following example adds a permanent entry to the FDB:createfdbentry00:D0:96:BF:31:50vlanmarketingport4The permanent entry has the following characteristics:nMAC address is 00D096BF3150.nVLAN name ismarketing.Table 21FDB Configuration CommandsCommandDescriptioncreatefdbentryvlan[blackhole||dynamic]{qosprofile}Creates an FDB entry. Specify the following:nmac_address— Device MAC address, usingcolon separated bytes.nname— VLAN associated with MAC address.nblackhole— Configures the MAC address as ablackhole entry.nportlist— Port numbers associated with MACaddress.ndynamic— Specifies that the entry will be learneddynamically. Used to associated a QoS profile witha dynamically learned entry.nqosname— QoS profile associated with MACaddress.If more than one port number is associated with apermanent MAC entry, packets are multicast to themultiple destinations.configfdbagingtimeConfigures the FDB aging time. The range is 15through 1,000,000 seconds. The default value is 300seconds. A value of 0 indicates that the entry shouldnever be aged out.enablelearningportsEnables MAC address learning on one or more ports.disablelearningportsDisables MAC address learning on one or more portsfor security purposes. If MAC address learning isdisabled, only broadcast traffic and packets destined toa permanent MAC address matching that portnumber, are forwarded. The default setting is enabled.